Why is Sedo App subscription only?

The moving and organizing process is full of decisions and choices. As we built Sedo, we talked a lot during interviews about pricing and how to keep an app from being just one more thing to think about. Ultimately we decided that less was much, much more.

That said, like the rest of you, we're also frustrated that everything seems to be a subscription now. That’s why we wanted to explain a bit in this note.

It came down to two things:

  1. Keep things as simple as possible
  2. Provide the most value to the most people

On the simplicity front, there are lots of ways we looked at charging. For example, we could charge different tiers for usage, or maybe even charge by items so if you only used a few items, you paid less. Every one of those models we discussed with users created more and more confusion at a time when we heard, again and again, simpler was better.

A month-by-month subscription captures that same concept — pay as you go — but puts you in the driver’s seat. For example: if you have a short organizing project, you'll only pay a little. Maybe you can even get your project done during the free trial! If you have a much longer project, though, you'll use the software for a longer time and also benefit from the features the team is rolling out over that time.

The bottom line is that we want to earn your business. If you don't see the value in Sedo App anymore, we want you to be able to leave without feeling as if you paid for more than you need.

Please check out the subscriptions tab in settings if you have questions, or would like to request a refund, or if you have any other questions reach out to us at team@fourbytwo.com!