What are custom fields in Sedo App?

Custom fields are a powerful way to personalize your item records.

We’ve worked hard to include the basic functionality that we heard about most often, but every so often a power user wants to add their own categories. Custom fields make that possible.

Once you add a custom field, it will show up on all item records. If you remove that custom field, it’s always possible to recover both the field and the stored values you had in that field for each item.

Why would I use custom fields?

Maybe you want to assign each item a color based on your own coding system, or maybe you’d like to record an item value. Those options, and more, are all possible with custom fields.

We’ve included examples below of why you might want to use each type of custom field.

What are the types of custom fields?

Option 1: Text

Text fields allow you to add a text box to any item. As simple as it gets.

For example: Each person in a couple would like to enter their own remarks on an item. You add two Text fields — one titled “John’s Notes” and the other titled “Colin’s Notes.”

Option 2: Link

If you’re keeping track of websites in relation to your items, links let you store a different hyperlink on each item.

For example: Each of your items has a YouTube video that helps you remember how they work. You add a Link field called “YouTube Videos” and link a video to each item.

Option 3: Checkbox

If you’re keeping track of something that is either one value, or another, checkboxes let you speed up the process.

For example: You’re asking your family if they want particular items, and you want to keep track of if you’ve checked with them on each item. You create a checkbox called “Reviewed by Family” or maybe “Ready to Donate” and check the box once you’ve asked everyone.

Option 4: Currency

If you’re assigning a currency figure to items, this is your way.

For example: You’d like each of your items to have an estimated value. You create a Currency field called “Estimated Value” and enter the value into that box.

Option 5: Choice

Some people like to use their own labeling conventions. Choice lets you build a set list of categories that you can assign from a list to each item.

For example: You’re color-coding each of your items and giving each item a color of either GREEN, YELLOW, or RED. You create a Choice field called “Color Category” and enter three options as GREEN, YELLOW, and RED. Each item now has a pick list you can select a color from.

Option 6: Number

Some numbers, like weight, are built in. If you’d like to give your items some other number (that isn’t a currency) this field lets you do so.

For example: Your movers are charging you by exact weights, but you want to estimate weights before you start weighing everything. You create a number field called “Estimated Weight” and put the estimated weight in that field, but use the built-in weight field once you have a precise weight from the scale.